Well it's been a wee bit since I posted anything but I can't think of anything remarkable to tell you !! Time has flown by, been busy, been not busy, cooked, ate , slept, laughed, loved, shopped, ... the usual... and wonderful usual I might add. But nothing remarkable or photo worthy. So instead I am turning my mind to what I want to do for Christmas. This is big as "nothing" is my usual !!!
1. Have a Christmas party with my friends. (okay, that's weird. My friends - as opposed to what ? People I don't know ??)
2. Maybe put up a tree. Not any tree - my fluffy white tree all bedecked in funky festive splendor. We'll see - there is mounting pressure . Bribes even ... right Laura ??
3. Make a kick-ass advent calendar - not sure why. Counting down the days is definitely not my thing !! I could care less bit I think it would be a fun project to make.
4. Make most of the gifts I am giving friends & my gramma. And , most importantly, ENJOY making the gifts. Not that frantic, "Oh my God, why did I not just buy something ?!!" I want this to be THE EXPERIENCE as well as the GIFT.
5. Think of something special for my customers - they are pretty rockin' people !!
6. No cookies. But I do want to make little bags of popcorn, nuts, etc... to give randomly.
7. Cat stockings. (self explanatory, I believe)
8. Maybe buy a few gifts. Well thought out gifts. With meaning.
9. Not get caught up in crazy buying.
10. I am not crazy about Christmas ... you may know that ... but I want to try to embrace the spirit of giving, sharing, and love for my fellow people that Christmas is supposed to be. That's my goal.
The Jewish have a philosophy that we should all be a light unto the world. NOW THAT is my goal. I have a little bit of work to do but I am going to try !!
Have a wonderful day & look for FLURRIES (yay) tomorrow !!!