Up to My Ass in Life ...
Saturday, July 7, 2012
"Oh things they are a-changing ..."
A new blog !! I have enjoyed this blog but really wanted to make a change ... I have found that my true passion in life is creating and just enjoying the simple things in life. I am not one for big crowds or events ... I would rather be home with my beloved partner in crime & my cats. My happiest days are when I stay home creating and enjoying my little family. I think when you find your true groove, the possibilities are endless . So my new blog will be a celebration of that very thing !! Please join me on www.ohendlesspossibilities.blogspot.com.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
My latest ...
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
A Change in Direction ...
I'm taking "the road not taken" ... I have decided to make a turn and change direction with my blog. I want to share my work on the blog ... with the odd cat photo or recipe rave.I have a wonderful new workroom and love to spend time in it CREATING !! Most of the time, it is creating kits & samples for work but there are a few wee hours when I do stuff just for me - and those are my absolute happy hours !! Last night it was from 10:30 to 1:30am ... I could hardly go to bed , I was so excited !! Anyway, here is my project that I completed last night ...
A happy little Christy Tomlinson-inspired collage inspired by a fortune from a Chinese dinner ... see, way down in the lower corner ...
It was such fun !! Here's one from a few weeks ago ... also inpired by Christy Tomlinson, using texture paste. Again, fun beyond measure !!
So that's all for today but keep watching ...
A happy little Christy Tomlinson-inspired collage inspired by a fortune from a Chinese dinner ... see, way down in the lower corner ...
It was such fun !! Here's one from a few weeks ago ... also inpired by Christy Tomlinson, using texture paste. Again, fun beyond measure !!
So that's all for today but keep watching ...
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
ohhhhh my ....
I am a worrier. Not a warrior , nope , can't really say that ... A WORRIER. And it consumes me some days. I need to find a solution ... drinking seems too expensive, eating hasn't really worked for me , denial isn't possible ... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! Oh well, for today, I will promise myself not to worry about being a worrier ... ;P
Friday, May 11, 2012
"I Can See Clearly Now ..."
I have had an epiphany ! I just read an article in Somerset Studio magazine about introverts & extroverts ... and I get it !!
I have always struggled with what seems like an outgoing social personality but I felt like I was an impostor. I have always worked in jobs that involved communicating IN ABUNDANCE !! And it was fine. I often had to attend social events, mingling, chatting, and doing presentations. I did. Everyone assumed I was actually that person. I even did. But I couldn't understand my feeling of dread about going to a wedding or some event that was supposed to be fun. Even lunch with a friend. What was wrong with me ??
I always enjoyed the lunches or events once I actually got there ... but the days ahead were filled with excuses and dread. I was ashamed of myself for feeling that way.
I would be a part of a committee or group because I believed so dearly in the cause ... and then I would drag my feet to meetings. I would ask for tasks that I could take home to complete.I didn't want to be part of the group ... but I really wanted to help.
I avoided group crafting activities ... I never did a thing at them !! I couldn't make anything ... no ideas. All I could think about was going home & making things. Yet, I could teach classes. Strange.
So the article explains this whole thing !!! Written by Quinn McDonald, it uses the research done by the Myers and Briggs Foundation. Quinn says that "introverts are people who get their energy in the inner world of ideas and images. They spend time in the outside world interacting with people, but it tires them out. They refresh themselves best by being alone." Quinn goes on to say that "the big difference between the two (extro & intro ) is the direction of the energy flow. Extroverts get energy from crowds: introverts feel drained by crowds." BINGO !!
I actually felt like I made sense after reading that !! I always look forward to being alone ... and would chose that over any social activity. And by being alone, I also mean being with my husband. We are so much alike that I feel just as comfortable with him as I do by myself. And we tend to always stay home and avoid social situations. I am sure some people look at us with pity ... no social life ... but it really is how we are happiest.
I looked at friendships that didn't work, vacations, family situations ... it all made sense !!
*I realize now that I don't feel the need to have really close friends to do all sorts of things with ... I am somewhat intimidated by that. Any time I have a full-on friend, I end up feeling like I am being swallowed alive ... I need my space. I end up disappointing extrovert friends because I can only keep up that pace for a short time. I quickly tire of going out & doing things. And the friendship wanes.
* I noticed that most of those who commented on a facebook post that they too were introverts were people I really really liked. I think I see a similarity in them and I do not feel intimidated. I know that we could be good friends because we wouldn't expect great social things from each other. LOL. An introverts version of friendship would seem to others to be much more casual, far less intense, much quieter, and probably not very exciting but the bonds are just as real.
* vacations ... the vacations that everyone loves scare me !! The cruise ships, resorts, etc ... scary stuff !! Group vacations ... I cringe at the idea. My ideal vacation is just my beloved and I ... off on our own, exploring. We love big cities but I think that's because you are truly alone there. There may be loads of people but they aren't looking at me ... they too are in their own little worlds.
* family ... I come from a small family . A quiet family. I always THOUGHT I wanted to be part of a big Hallmark family ... oops, nope. Too many big family dinners, family activities and expectations and I am once again running for my rabbit hole. I enjoy the occasional big family dinner but then I need a whole month of Sunday dinners at home .
This has always made me feel a bit mean, selfish maybe, and very anti-social. I realize now that it is just who I am & how I function and fuel myself. And that there are lots more out there like me. And that we need both types of people on this great big glorious earth !!!
Long live the introverts ... too bad we will never have a convention or national day of parades !!! LOL !!!!
So the article explains this whole thing !!! Written by Quinn McDonald, it uses the research done by the Myers and Briggs Foundation. Quinn says that "introverts are people who get their energy in the inner world of ideas and images. They spend time in the outside world interacting with people, but it tires them out. They refresh themselves best by being alone." Quinn goes on to say that "the big difference between the two (extro & intro ) is the direction of the energy flow. Extroverts get energy from crowds: introverts feel drained by crowds." BINGO !!
I actually felt like I made sense after reading that !! I always look forward to being alone ... and would chose that over any social activity. And by being alone, I also mean being with my husband. We are so much alike that I feel just as comfortable with him as I do by myself. And we tend to always stay home and avoid social situations. I am sure some people look at us with pity ... no social life ... but it really is how we are happiest.
I looked at friendships that didn't work, vacations, family situations ... it all made sense !!
*I realize now that I don't feel the need to have really close friends to do all sorts of things with ... I am somewhat intimidated by that. Any time I have a full-on friend, I end up feeling like I am being swallowed alive ... I need my space. I end up disappointing extrovert friends because I can only keep up that pace for a short time. I quickly tire of going out & doing things. And the friendship wanes.
* I noticed that most of those who commented on a facebook post that they too were introverts were people I really really liked. I think I see a similarity in them and I do not feel intimidated. I know that we could be good friends because we wouldn't expect great social things from each other. LOL. An introverts version of friendship would seem to others to be much more casual, far less intense, much quieter, and probably not very exciting but the bonds are just as real.
* vacations ... the vacations that everyone loves scare me !! The cruise ships, resorts, etc ... scary stuff !! Group vacations ... I cringe at the idea. My ideal vacation is just my beloved and I ... off on our own, exploring. We love big cities but I think that's because you are truly alone there. There may be loads of people but they aren't looking at me ... they too are in their own little worlds.
* family ... I come from a small family . A quiet family. I always THOUGHT I wanted to be part of a big Hallmark family ... oops, nope. Too many big family dinners, family activities and expectations and I am once again running for my rabbit hole. I enjoy the occasional big family dinner but then I need a whole month of Sunday dinners at home .
This has always made me feel a bit mean, selfish maybe, and very anti-social. I realize now that it is just who I am & how I function and fuel myself. And that there are lots more out there like me. And that we need both types of people on this great big glorious earth !!!
Long live the introverts ... too bad we will never have a convention or national day of parades !!! LOL !!!!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Catching Up ...
Wow ... it has been a long time !! Well the year started off a little worse than last year ( crazy, huh?) . I guess when you think things are bad , you need to realize that they could always be worse !! It seemed like every day we saw an obituary for someone we knew - way too many good people were lost in early 2012. Then I had every bug going (thanks Prednisone !!). But I am taking a cue from a friend and really treating February as a "do-over" ... and it has been good !
Had a big party here at the store to help everyone chase away the bad January blues that we all had ... it was a blast !! Beautiful cake, popcorn machine, fluffy pink punch, tons of people, ring making, and laughter ... just what we all needed !! And since then, things have been pretty darn sweet !!
So I am ready to kick creative butt ! I have started another on-line class ... more glittery fun ! And I have started knitting ... now that my lovely computer can show me how to cast on ... that has always been my sticking point. Not sure how much knitting I can do at home with the Crazy Kitten Boys Leonard & Cohen, but I'll try !! I may have to sneak off to another room ...lol. And I am looking forward to my new specially made craft room ... where space & storage will be custom done ! I am beside myself excited about that !!
I am baking & cooking up a storm ... good except I eat it too - not good ...lol. But it is so fun !! My fave so far has been a key lime pie with coconut graham crust ... DIVINE !!!
Our kitten and cat population continues to be extremely entertaining and full of love ... we are so lucky they chose us !!
Anyway, just a brief "pop-in" and I hope to have lots more to share in the weeks to come. Have a great one !!!
Friday, December 30, 2011
And Here's to a New Year !

It's almost 2012 ... and I can't be happier. 2011 has been miserable ... the worst year that I can remember. UGH.
I have loads of physical scars ( and a few emotional ones) ... it really was a trying year. I was sick all year and it took the biggest part of the year to find out why. Then the cures became part of the problem and the ultimate cure has now left me with more things to fix up in the new year. Not what I was hoping for !! But things look brighter !!
I realized that people are not always what they seem and that for some, friendship goes to the highest bidder. It really can be bought for some . But that was all a good lesson - it is better to find that out about people at some point. Sad but good to know.
I learned - no I already knew this - that I have the best partner in life I could ever want. Through the blisters & tears , he was always good and kind. And even when I slept through our dream concert and blistered the hell out of our vacation, he still liked me ... lol. And I know how wonderful our good friends are. And that they are always there.
We had some personal sadness in our little family ... more like crushing heartbreak ... but got through it together. And then more. Wonderful people died, families that we loved broke apart, friends faced really hard situations ... it was a tough one.
So I will have no sadness when I bid adieu to this year ... actually it will be more like a "F*** YOU !!" (sorry if you are offended by that ...) I am opening my arms wide to 2012 ... I am going to give it a big kiss ON THE LIPS and say "I have been waiting for you!!" I know it is going to be a good one .
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