It's almost 2012 ... and I can't be happier. 2011 has been miserable ... the worst year that I can remember. UGH.
I have loads of physical scars ( and a few emotional ones) ... it really was a trying year. I was sick all year and it took the biggest part of the year to find out why. Then the cures became part of the problem and the ultimate cure has now left me with more things to fix up in the new year. Not what I was hoping for !! But things look brighter !!
I realized that people are not always what they seem and that for some, friendship goes to the highest bidder. It really can be bought for some . But that was all a good lesson - it is better to find that out about people at some point. Sad but good to know.
I learned - no I already knew this - that I have the best partner in life I could ever want. Through the blisters & tears , he was always good and kind. And even when I slept through our dream concert and blistered the hell out of our vacation, he still liked me ... lol. And I know how wonderful our good friends are. And that they are always there.
We had some personal sadness in our little family ... more like crushing heartbreak ... but got through it together. And then more. Wonderful people died, families that we loved broke apart, friends faced really hard situations ... it was a tough one.
So I will have no sadness when I bid adieu to this year ... actually it will be more like a "F*** YOU !!" (sorry if you are offended by that ...) I am opening my arms wide to 2012 ... I am going to give it a big kiss ON THE LIPS and say "I have been waiting for you!!" I know it is going to be a good one .
Good bye 2011...hello 2012...next time I see you I will give you a big ole kiss and wish you all the best!!! Only goodness and happiness from now on in!!
Terri <3
I hope that 2012 is all that you hope it to be. Thanks for being so honest on here. You always keep it real and I need more of that in my life.
Here's to a wonderful 2012!
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