STEP 1. Take the "Shoulda List" and chuck it .
Last night I had a whole list of "need-tos" and "shouldas" but it was a nice night, warm, not needing so much wood in the furnace. STRIKE while the mercury is high !! SO we went home and had a great supper that I had cooked DOUBLE of a few nights ago
(another great sub-step in the recovery program !!). So with no effort we had lovely chicken cutlets in white wine & mushroom sauce and stuffed baked potatoes. A few days ago I had pounded, deglazed, baked, scooped, mashed, etc... and put half in the fridge so I was already ahead of the game last night. Then I took my list and CHUCKED IT !! We went to the late showing of the movie Coraline in New Minas.And because I did have a few errands that I couldn't chuck ... like lunch stuff ... we went to that icon of American consumerism, Walmart, because it was on the way and I could buy a rug, ink pads, bread, mayo, masa mix, and Old Bay seasoning all AT ONCE !! (Okay, the masa mix & Old Bay weren't on a MUST do list but I was excited to find them !!)And then, with smuggled Walmart movie candy, off we went to the movies ... it was great !! Felt like we were out on a school night, skipping out on studying for a math exam ...
The movie, by the way, was AMAZING !!! I love that Tim Burton animation. It was achingly beautiful ... too scary for kids but just exquisite for adults. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT !!!
Then home we went, happy, eyes filled with beautiful images, tummies with red licorice, and a night of NO CARES !! Then we watched TV until 2am and went off to bed. STEP 1 was successfully completed !!
This weekend will hopefully be STEP 2 - a FULL day of escape. And then STEP 3 will be a day of CRAFT-O-RAMA with a "who-cares" attitude about laundry, balanced meals, etc... Can't wait !!
Here's a little picture of my favourite dolls.A bit Tim Burtonish ... "Damn Dollies" they are called and they are handmade in Toronto. I leave them by the CN Tower replica so they don't get homesick ...
And now a few pictures of some of the great help I get when I am working on samples for work ... How lucky am I ???
Emma keeps my supplies warm ...
Walter ... hmmm ... not sure what he does ....
But here it is obvious ... Walter inspects !
Have a great day ... and I'll be back with Steps 2 & 3 soon !!!
1 comment:
Love the recovery program, Pam! It sounds like its working, too! Those cats of yours are too funny...lovin' the Emma pic!
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