Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Odds'n'Ends ... where have I been ???
A hard frost this morning ... even some frost in PG which is really strange for us. Winter is coming !! Fine with me except for ... SOCKS !! My feet feel like they are being smothered ... so I will hold out until it snows ...

PUMPKIN PARTY ... we had our annual Pumpkin Carving party last weekend. There were about 40 people there ... we have moved it to the local hall because our house cannot contain all the carvers anymore. People showed up with great potluck dishes, pumpkins, and plans for those pumpkins !! The carvings were great and they looked fabulous all lit up. We ate, we gutted, we carved, we ate some more, we voted, medals were awarded, and challenges were offered up for next year !!
Our beautiful cake by Sara Bates ...

Deedee's UGLY GRANDCHILD ... hope you do better Ryan !! But a crowd pleaser as you can see by the medals ...

The TRASH TALK was (and I quote ... sort of ...) ... "You're not winning Best Use of Power Tools for the fourth year in a row, Inkpen ... I'll BE BACK !!"
I have been working on my 30 Day Challenge ... still going ! I haven't missed a day yet ... it's been hard some nights but I am on it !!
Tomorrow is Hallowe'en so we have added a back seat to the car and will be gathering up our usual Trick-or-Treaters ... but this year they will ride in style !!
P.S. A little shout out to Abby ... hope your treatments are going well and helping ! The Thursday Morning Laughers have missed you and asked about you !
PUMPKIN PARTY ... we had our annual Pumpkin Carving party last weekend. There were about 40 people there ... we have moved it to the local hall because our house cannot contain all the carvers anymore. People showed up with great potluck dishes, pumpkins, and plans for those pumpkins !! The carvings were great and they looked fabulous all lit up. We ate, we gutted, we carved, we ate some more, we voted, medals were awarded, and challenges were offered up for next year !!
Our beautiful cake by Sara Bates ...
Deedee's UGLY GRANDCHILD ... hope you do better Ryan !! But a crowd pleaser as you can see by the medals ...
The TRASH TALK was (and I quote ... sort of ...) ... "You're not winning Best Use of Power Tools for the fourth year in a row, Inkpen ... I'll BE BACK !!"
I have been working on my 30 Day Challenge ... still going ! I haven't missed a day yet ... it's been hard some nights but I am on it !!
Tomorrow is Hallowe'en so we have added a back seat to the car and will be gathering up our usual Trick-or-Treaters ... but this year they will ride in style !!
P.S. A little shout out to Abby ... hope your treatments are going well and helping ! The Thursday Morning Laughers have missed you and asked about you !
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I listed items late yesterday on ETSY ... and I have already sold 2 !!!
HappY DanCe !!!
HappY DanCe !!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A few fun projects !
The time has been flying by and I have been happily puttering away in my craft room ... the 31 Day Challenge has been great for me. Many nights I haven't REALLY been keen on making anything but I have dragged myself to the table (usually after 10pm !!) and started something. And it's BEEN GREAT !!! (My baking frequency has suffered a bit but we can probably stand that !!) I love the time I spend creating and it seems like I have given myself a great gift. I have decided that when the month is over I am starting on a YEAR LONG CHALLENGE. Yep, a year. My challenge will be to create 5 days a week and keep a diary of it. I have really enjoyed the time and the process so much that I want to keep going. And, it is a bit of a habit now !
Here are some of the projects from the last few days. They are samples for the store as well as items that I will be selling in the store and in my ETSY shop. My next ETSY items will be jewelry...
Hope you enjoy the pictures and are inspired to make something yourself.


Have a great week !!!
Here are some of the projects from the last few days. They are samples for the store as well as items that I will be selling in the store and in my ETSY shop. My next ETSY items will be jewelry...
Hope you enjoy the pictures and are inspired to make something yourself.
Have a great week !!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
I am giving "THANKS !" for the fab weekend we had ... it was awesome !!
It had been a very busy week with lots of bus-i-ness at work and home so we were ready for a lovely weekend ... and that is just what we had !!
We went to the Pumpkin Regatta and Parade on Sunday. That is sooo fun. Windsor does an amazing job, lots of street booths and activity. The parade of pumpkins was great and the race was , as always, exciting and funny. We strolled the waterfront, ate fries and hot dogs, sampled the chili for the chili cook-off, bought cookies, and then cheered on the LOCAL paddler, Will Neily, who won !!! He has a greenhouse business in Paradise & always grew HUGE pumpkins as a kid.This time he paddled one of his home-grown creations right into first place !!

(Will at the finish line - too pooped to stand !!)
Here is one of the pumpkins ... they go to such lengths to decorate them - too bad they all become compost at the end !! ( ... if not FOOD FOR THE FISHES !!!!)

Here is the cookie booth that we visit every year...

... the cookies are really good but I really don't care... it's her fabulous decorations that I can't resist !! This year Charlie had the spider web & I went for the pirate. Her cookies are beautiful, her packaging lovely, and her booth just perfectly pretty. I look forward to seeing it every year. My only regret with her cookies is that Martha Stewart didn't get there to see them a few years ago ... I'm sure she would have been a guest on the show !! www.fancyschmancy.ca Check her out !!
We had lots of great comments about the car. Scott Brison even wanted to buy it !! We promised we would let him know if we ever decided to sell !!
On the way home we stopped for a few errands and gelato. Gelato Girl encouraged us to come up Tuesday for the final day ... so we are off tonight after work ! She shared her love of crystal jewelry so her tip this time will be a pair of crystal earrings ( which I better get made !! ) instead of the change from our bill . Should be a fun after work tour.
Gelato Girl put her earrings on right away !! That was nice !!
Monday was a great day ... kitten watching, driving around !, crafting like crazy, visiting, turkey dinner at my parents, looking at old slides, more kitten watching ... Does it get any better ??
I also worked on some Hallowe'en treat bags and a kit for the bags to sell at the store and in my ETSY store !!

Visit either spot to find out about them. The links are in the sidebar.
AND you can also see how the 31 day challenge is going on the store blog. I think I'm doing okay !
So tonight we are off to have our last gelato for the season, deliver the earrings, do a few errands, get some welding supplies, and then home to watch the FLURRIES that are forecast. I know it's early, but OH MY I feel that excited burble in my stomach that says FIRST SNOW !!! WAAAAAHOOOOOOOOO !!!
Have a great day !!
It had been a very busy week with lots of bus-i-ness at work and home so we were ready for a lovely weekend ... and that is just what we had !!
We went to the Pumpkin Regatta and Parade on Sunday. That is sooo fun. Windsor does an amazing job, lots of street booths and activity. The parade of pumpkins was great and the race was , as always, exciting and funny. We strolled the waterfront, ate fries and hot dogs, sampled the chili for the chili cook-off, bought cookies, and then cheered on the LOCAL paddler, Will Neily, who won !!! He has a greenhouse business in Paradise & always grew HUGE pumpkins as a kid.This time he paddled one of his home-grown creations right into first place !!
(Will at the finish line - too pooped to stand !!)
Here is one of the pumpkins ... they go to such lengths to decorate them - too bad they all become compost at the end !! ( ... if not FOOD FOR THE FISHES !!!!)
Here is the cookie booth that we visit every year...
... the cookies are really good but I really don't care... it's her fabulous decorations that I can't resist !! This year Charlie had the spider web & I went for the pirate. Her cookies are beautiful, her packaging lovely, and her booth just perfectly pretty. I look forward to seeing it every year. My only regret with her cookies is that Martha Stewart didn't get there to see them a few years ago ... I'm sure she would have been a guest on the show !! www.fancyschmancy.ca Check her out !!
We had lots of great comments about the car. Scott Brison even wanted to buy it !! We promised we would let him know if we ever decided to sell !!
On the way home we stopped for a few errands and gelato. Gelato Girl encouraged us to come up Tuesday for the final day ... so we are off tonight after work ! She shared her love of crystal jewelry so her tip this time will be a pair of crystal earrings ( which I better get made !! ) instead of the change from our bill . Should be a fun after work tour.
Gelato Girl put her earrings on right away !! That was nice !!
Monday was a great day ... kitten watching, driving around !, crafting like crazy, visiting, turkey dinner at my parents, looking at old slides, more kitten watching ... Does it get any better ??
I also worked on some Hallowe'en treat bags and a kit for the bags to sell at the store and in my ETSY store !!
Visit either spot to find out about them. The links are in the sidebar.
AND you can also see how the 31 day challenge is going on the store blog. I think I'm doing okay !
So tonight we are off to have our last gelato for the season, deliver the earrings, do a few errands, get some welding supplies, and then home to watch the FLURRIES that are forecast. I know it's early, but OH MY I feel that excited burble in my stomach that says FIRST SNOW !!! WAAAAAHOOOOOOOOO !!!
Have a great day !!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
New Hair ... new me !!
HO HUM ... that's been my hair lately. Tired looking and ... well...GULP...OLD. Yeah, really that's it - old. I have a lot of grey and I really like to celebrate grey. Grey shows that you live life and aren't afraid to show it. But my grey isn't in spots. It is fine thin hairs throughout my hair. So it really made my hair seem so faded . I didn't want to colour my hair. ( I hate seeing someone who is definitely past 40ish and they have DARK DARK DARK SOLID COLOUR hair ??Not natural !) SO I decided to get highlights. It's been years ! Charlie used to do them for me when we were first married ... crochet hook & skin scrapings. It just got too painful !! I only ever once had them done by a hairdresser - back in University days - and they were bright red at the front down to dark purple at the back ... what can I say? It was the 80s and I had a whole punk thing going on ...(loved Carole Pope!!) Anyway, had them done this a.m and I am NEW AGAIN !!! New hair, new me, new energy !!! Love it !!
Last night I did my challenge ... and it WAS a challenge !! I was REALLY busy but I am SUPER STUBBORN so I did it !! I covered a take-out box for Hallowe'en. Now it needs to be embellished.

I also grocery shopped, did laundry, made hot pepper jelly, cooked a pork stew for tonight, did dishes, did some party reservations & planning, ... and THEN did my challenge. SO I was pretty pleased with it all. I was planning to make a batch of almond oatmeal for my breakfasts this week but I had to scratch it - too pooped !! But tonight, with my new hair and supper already cooked ... WATCH OUT !!!
Last night I did my challenge ... and it WAS a challenge !! I was REALLY busy but I am SUPER STUBBORN so I did it !! I covered a take-out box for Hallowe'en. Now it needs to be embellished.
I also grocery shopped, did laundry, made hot pepper jelly, cooked a pork stew for tonight, did dishes, did some party reservations & planning, ... and THEN did my challenge. SO I was pretty pleased with it all. I was planning to make a batch of almond oatmeal for my breakfasts this week but I had to scratch it - too pooped !! But tonight, with my new hair and supper already cooked ... WATCH OUT !!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Things Lost, Things Found, Things Given Up On ...
Another great weekend. Weather wise , it was 50% great. (Sunday was miserable but that didn't really matter too much.)We, of course, drove around most of the weekend. We need to get lots of "Hester Time" in because she will go into storage after Hallowe'en. Anyway, we went to Kentville on Saturday & visited our favourite Gelato Girl. (a scoop of pumpkin & a scoop of coconut for me, Charlie had his usual "dirt"). Anyway, she has been a bit freaked about the car, so we took the finished product to show her . More freaked. She thought we were going to chop it or something. "Oh MY GOD, It's a REAL hearse !!! " was her reaction. Then she asked a very serious question. "Do you guys have kids ?" She seemed relieved by our answer of "no"... Hmmm?
Anyway, had a nice visit, yummy gelato, a little inside scoop on next weekend, and a promised visit to the bead shop. Great !
Then we LOST&FOUND some things ... great things. FOUND a coffin key under the seat of the car - didn't know we had one. LOST Charlie's keys to the cruiser. FOUND some people following us all the way from Kingston Superstore to Middleton so they could see the car. (funny !!) FOUND Charlie's car keys for the Cruiser. Phew, relief !
Worried that we hadn't seen ANY kittens for a few days. FOUND them ALL + Momma in the apple crate house we made them on Sunday morning. HOORAY !!!
And the LOST (and actually NOT FOUND) trend continued the next day. We headed out for a cat show in Dartmouth and a bit of shopping. We spent 1 and a half hours looking and asked directions of not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 people for the Dartmouth Sportsplex and NEVER FOUND IT !!! They all directed us to the wrong bridge. But upside ... we got to cross the bridge MANY times !! After that 90 minutes passed we passed too. We went for lunch and went shopping.
We made a few new friends with the car. A lady stopped me at the coffee counter at the Big Stop and asked if she could come & look in. OF COURSE !!! It is great to see the inside of a hearse up close & personal and then TALK ABOUT IT !!! Usually there's no talking after that experience... And then we had a big thumbs-up-freaky dance from a homeless/panhandler guy in the city. After the dance and some REALLY enthusiastic-not-for-blogs words, he threw his asking-for-money sign down and came over to frantically rap on the window.We rolled it down and got this question "What is the freakiest shit that has ever happened to you in this car?" "Uhhhh ... this??" No, we didn't say that. (But it probably was!) Too funny !
Anyway, came home late both nights but DID do my crafting challenge. Now, understand, I didn't make a quilt or a whole scrapbook, but I did glue, sand, stamp, and punch a bit. Every little bit counts !
Tonight will be the night to make hot pepper jelly so I'm not sure what I'll get done. And then later this week I plan to make & can applesauce. Creating/crafting will be in a squeeze for time but ... Fancy labels maybe ?
Anyway, had a nice visit, yummy gelato, a little inside scoop on next weekend, and a promised visit to the bead shop. Great !
Then we LOST&FOUND some things ... great things. FOUND a coffin key under the seat of the car - didn't know we had one. LOST Charlie's keys to the cruiser. FOUND some people following us all the way from Kingston Superstore to Middleton so they could see the car. (funny !!) FOUND Charlie's car keys for the Cruiser. Phew, relief !
Worried that we hadn't seen ANY kittens for a few days. FOUND them ALL + Momma in the apple crate house we made them on Sunday morning. HOORAY !!!
And the LOST (and actually NOT FOUND) trend continued the next day. We headed out for a cat show in Dartmouth and a bit of shopping. We spent 1 and a half hours looking and asked directions of not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 people for the Dartmouth Sportsplex and NEVER FOUND IT !!! They all directed us to the wrong bridge. But upside ... we got to cross the bridge MANY times !! After that 90 minutes passed we passed too. We went for lunch and went shopping.
We made a few new friends with the car. A lady stopped me at the coffee counter at the Big Stop and asked if she could come & look in. OF COURSE !!! It is great to see the inside of a hearse up close & personal and then TALK ABOUT IT !!! Usually there's no talking after that experience... And then we had a big thumbs-up-freaky dance from a homeless/panhandler guy in the city. After the dance and some REALLY enthusiastic-not-for-blogs words, he threw his asking-for-money sign down and came over to frantically rap on the window.We rolled it down and got this question "What is the freakiest shit that has ever happened to you in this car?" "Uhhhh ... this??" No, we didn't say that. (But it probably was!) Too funny !
Anyway, came home late both nights but DID do my crafting challenge. Now, understand, I didn't make a quilt or a whole scrapbook, but I did glue, sand, stamp, and punch a bit. Every little bit counts !
Tonight will be the night to make hot pepper jelly so I'm not sure what I'll get done. And then later this week I plan to make & can applesauce. Creating/crafting will be in a squeeze for time but ... Fancy labels maybe ?
Friday, October 2, 2009
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