HO HUM ... that's been my hair lately. Tired looking and ... well...
GULP...OLD. Yeah, really that's it - old. I have a lot of grey and I really like to celebrate grey. Grey shows that you live life and aren't afraid to show it. But my grey isn't in spots. It is fine thin hairs throughout my hair. So it really made my hair seem so faded . I didn't want to colour my hair. ( I hate seeing someone who is definitely past 40ish and they have DARK DARK DARK SOLID COLOUR hair ??Not natural !) SO I decided to get highlights. It's been years ! Charlie used to do them for me when we were first married ... crochet hook & skin scrapings. It just got too painful !! I only ever once had them done by a hairdresser - back in University days - and they were bright red at the front down to dark purple at the back ... what can I say? It was the 80s and I had a whole punk thing going on ...(loved Carole Pope!!) Anyway, had them done this a.m and I am NEW AGAIN !!! New hair, new me, new energy !!! Love it !!
Last night I did my challenge ... and it WAS a challenge !! I was REALLY busy but I am SUPER STUBBORN so I did it !! I covered a take-out box for Hallowe'en. Now it needs to be embellished.

I also grocery shopped, did laundry, made hot pepper jelly, cooked a pork stew for tonight, did dishes, did some party reservations & planning, ... and THEN did my challenge. SO I was pretty pleased with it all. I was planning to make a batch of almond oatmeal for my breakfasts this week but I had to scratch it - too pooped !! But tonight, with my new hair and supper already cooked ... WATCH OUT !!!
wish that I had your energy.
You're certainly an inspiration.
By the way, I never noticed the gray, only your smile.
NEVER loose the old Pam!
Would love to see a picture of your more colorful hair days at university.
Hello? Where is the pic of the new do?
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