LOVE. It is a wonderful thing. It makes the world go 'round. It hits you in the eye like pizza ...
The songs all talk about love ... romantic love ... big earth shattering love. But my favourite love is good old every day acts of love. Love given daily and freely ... so that you overflow with it yourself and send it on to others. Love from spouses, friends, family, strangers.
There is not a day goes by on the beautiful spinning planet that I don't feel love. There are so many ways to share it ... not just those big movie declarations !
A husband who makes you a hot cup of tea. A cat who gives you a few licks before snuggling into your lap for a nap. A friend sharing his skill and guidance to teach a group of us a new project. A customer who loans you a tool so you can see if you like it. Another who brings you a coffee every week. A book loaned. A mother-in-law who Facebooks you to say that she loves you both and to have a good week.

A boy who works for hours on a work of art as a a thank you ... a masterpiece of the heart. (love you Logan xoxo!!). A young Dad who scrapes all the sprinkles off his little daughters ice cream because they weren't quite the right choice. A Vet's office staff that remembers your kittens name and makes a fuss over her every time you go. Sunny hellos from my customers every week ... and tales of how they would really miss me if I quit. CAPS staff caring for those who have no voice. no power.

A niece who bakes and decorates 54 (yes, 54!!!) cupcakes to help with a fundraiser. A lovely customer/friend who lets me carry her in my heart as my only Jewish friend. Another who comes weekly for great conversation and brings me statues from her garden for my memorial garden that I am building for my Gramma. A Dad who always helps when we need him. A CAPS volunteers who happily announces that she is down to 34 cats that she is fostering.
A waitress who pats your back while she chats with the table. All Acts of Love !! A boy who works for hours on a work of art as a a thank you ... a masterpiece of the heart. (love you Logan xoxo!!). A young Dad who scrapes all the sprinkles off his little daughters ice cream because they weren't quite the right choice. A Vet's office staff that remembers your kittens name and makes a fuss over her every time you go. Sunny hellos from my customers every week ... and tales of how they would really miss me if I quit. CAPS staff caring for those who have no voice. no power.
A niece who bakes and decorates 54 (yes, 54!!!) cupcakes to help with a fundraiser. A lovely customer/friend who lets me carry her in my heart as my only Jewish friend. Another who comes weekly for great conversation and brings me statues from her garden for my memorial garden that I am building for my Gramma. A Dad who always helps when we need him. A CAPS volunteers who happily announces that she is down to 34 cats that she is fostering.
I am humbled to see these acts of love and am even more humbled to be the recipient. What a wonderful life !!
Awesome Pam!!!
You give so freely of yourself, sometimes without realizing it, that people find themselves giving right back to you Pam.
You are a very deserving recipient
of all of that love.
I love how you think!
Pam, I decided to read your tribute to BEEP while I sat here having a cup of tea...winding down after a long day at home with 3 kiddos! And I scrolled down and found "Acts of Love"....well, you brought tears to my eyes! I am in awe of you and Charlie! You two appreciate all the little things in life so much...the stuff that most people over look and do not take the time to really see... You bring out the best in people... and I am lucky to have you as my aunt-in-law! xoxoxo p.s. I can't wait until Logan gets home so that I can show him his artwork on your blog! He'll think he's famous! ;O) Thank you for loving us! Right back at 'cha!
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