YIKES !! Yesterday we took our sweet little Walter to the Vet for some dental work. He had seemed thinner and had bad breath . An exam found that he had 2 bad teeth. So we set up the appointment but decided to do other tests as well just to be sure. Thank goodness because a kidney problem was found. Now, I won't lie ... I was gutted when I heard that. We had only one experience with kidney problems and it was bad. Anyway, he had to be re hydrated before he could have surgery and would have to stay and wait until today. So ... yesterday was not a great day. I was pretty sad. But the word seemed to be that he could have medication and it would be managed. But still.
So the day starts like that. Then I get my cakes out for the Cookies for CAPS and one is ... well ... not great. It seemed to have fallen and was more like fudge than cake. Charlie said it was okay but I thought it was gaggy sweet & yucky. I did still have a Rhubarb Cream Custard cake though. Anyway, I decided to bake something else that night.
But then, the time came to go home. I dragged my feet, found errands, all sorts of things ... I hate to go home when one of our animals is missing ... the house seems too empty.
Finally we went home, pulled in the driveway, and heard a screechy sound. I sat listening, trying to figure out what bird it was ... hmmm ... do we have a cardinal ? ... hmm... HEY, THAT'S AN ANIMAL !!!! And yes, it was a tiny little hungry screaming kitten marching right up to us. We picked it up ... then the next one ... and the next ... and the next. Four little hungry babies !!
EDIT : Allow me to introduce you to the newest CAPS family ... L-R... Pamela (she's the one who lead them all out to us ... she's also the loud one ...hmmm ), Emma, Sara, and Charles.
Well now we had a mission ! In the house we went, gathered milk and food, blankets and little boxes of litter. We fed them , cooed over them, and warmed them. Then off we went with them in a carrier looking for bottles & kitten formula. We ended up with a recipe but had little luck finding all the ingredients. Try finding Infant Vitamin Drops and PLAIN Tums at Needs !!! But we mixed up what we could , fed them, and got them to fall asleep.
(Then I had to start madly baking ... 2 dozen cookies and 2 pans of squares later I was ready to drop !!)
Meanwhile, our cats were VERY ANNOYED and trooped off to hide upstairs. We ended up sleeping on the couch and in the lazy boy with the kittens while our cats enjoyed the queen sized bed upstairs !
I swear that there is an Cat Underground Railway with a sign that says "Go to the ugly house in PG and they'll help you."
This morning, with the help of our CAPS friends, the kittens were picked up and taken to the Vets to be checked out, then off to CAPS to be fostered until they can be adopted.
Now I am back to worrying about Walter but hopefully that too will turn out well and tonight we will be taking him home to our happy little cat house !!
I am keeping my fingers crossed for Walter...hope all turns out good! Keep us posted!! It is probably a good thing I missed the kittens when I was in today...they are CUTEIES!!!!! I am sure they will find homes in no time!! It is probably a good thing I don't live in PG anymore cause that underground railroad for cats would run from your home to mine...lol
Let me know how Walter makes out.
From one huge cat(animal) lover to another!
I hope Walter is fine... Such cute kittens, I will send this to my daughter as she LOVES all things cat.
oh my god. they are so cute!
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