Hi !!
What a week its been !! Full of activity, cake, and fun !
We had a big ol' bash at our place on the weekend ... lots of family and all the offspring family that comes from generations growing up and adding more delightful people to the family. The cats ran for cover or hid on shelves as the crowds arrived - so they went into lockdown in a safe place upstairs ! We threw open the back doors, built a sand & boardwalk path, lit up a UFO runway for night ... and started the party !! We ate tons of food, gnoshed at the Candy Bar, played ladder ball and washer toss, tried to play Beanbag Toss the EXTREME PEYTON version ( okay, close your eyes, throw it over Mommy, it's cheating if you stand up. What ? You got 6 bags out of 8 in ? No points for you - you need ALL 8. Who wants to win next ??) We had a bonfire & big fat "MARMALLOWS '. We wore glow necklaces & twirled sparklers ... and only a few people got burnt and only a few cried. So I have to say it was a success !! It was a happy night filled with love, friendship, and good family. Once again, there was no where else I would have wanted to be.
But where are the pictures, you ask ? In my head and in my heart. At one point, I thought about going for the camera . And then I thought "no, you'll miss being here in the midst of all this happiness" . I would rather be in the moment, enjoying that very moment, than be on the fringe watching through my lens. So no pictures.
We have spent a few nights at CAPS building walls ... in this case it is sort of the Royal "WE" ... I simply hold the end of the board & measuring tape. Quite humbling after the carpentry excellence that I showed on the deck ....
I have been baking my buns off ... haha ! hardly !! But I have been baking up a storm - for the party & CAPS - this week alone I have baked Whoopie Pies, 2 cheesecakes, "Better Than Crack Brownies" , and "Big Blonde Caramel Bars". And it is all gone . The CAPS baking sold out the first day ... but luckily a sweet niece ( or maybe an angel !!) emailed to ask if she could bake for me on Friday.(Thanks kari!! XOXO) HALLELUJAH may have been secretly what my response was !!! So last night I spent the nicest evening watching HER bake, drinking tea, laughing hard, and watching & listening to great music ... a great way to pass a few hours ! Here is my favourite from the night ... I love the words, love the pictures, love the heartfelt sentiment. Celine Dion, eat your heart out ! THIS is a love song !!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
another week, another 50 projects, and another 1000 laughs
Another week ... gone ... GONE !!! I am in shock that it is almost September ( happy happy, mind you) but hard to believe !!!
We have KICKED ASS this week !!! Charlie & I built a new step & deck on our house. And, this time, I am actually not using the "Royal WE" ... it really was "we", honest !! I screwed down all the deck boards, stair treads, and spindles. I think I'll soon have my own show on HGTV ...haha!! It was really fun though ( power tools !!!) and I was really happy to be able to do more than pass things and hold the end of the measuring tape. AWESOME !!! ( oh yeah, and I didn't even hurt myself once !!)

MY HANDS, MY FEET, MY CARPENTRY WORK ... check out those safety shoes !!!
Then I suggested we beef up the top rail into a chunky shelf so now it can hold many things ... beers ( for that once very 2 years we drink them !!), gargoyles (now those we actually do have in abundance !!), and lovely flowers - just to name a few ... I LOOOOOOVE it !!!
Now we are on to clearing a path through the overgrown backyard so we can easily come & go from the Secret Garden ... I think this may be a scythe action thriller !!!dundudndundudn ...
We went to the EX on Monday so Charlie could present some trophies that he sponsors. Our young friend Brandon was waiting for us - he always helps Charlie present them each year and then we spend the evening together. Now this kid is highly entertaining. I could care less if I went to the Ex but I love his company !! I call him Little Prince because he somehow, with charm & grace, gets us to do his every bidding ... amazing talent !! And he just smiles this big "you know it's true" smile when I address him as such. Here are a few snippets of our conversations & activities ...
* after having several wrong handed attempts at shaking the trophy recipient's hand .."now that wasn't AWKWARD !!"
* "I am having such a cupcake craving" ... and so the hunt was on ... and we found one !!
* "Pam, can you help me build a website - I want to invent games & post some cartoons I drew."
* " You know that car Charlie was going to help me build (actually it was a BIKE !!)... well I think it should be an automatic so I just have to SAY "turn left" and it will."
* "This year, you know how we come to your house for Thanksgiving - its a tradition - well my parents can go home after we eat & I'll stay and Charlie can help me with the website. Then you can take me home."
* "I'm almost out of quarters. Let's go over to that game where you put the quarters on the colours so I can get some more." We went with me doubting very much that the Colour Game was much of a banking/investment opportunity. He filled his pockets with quarters , winning almost every time, and then announced "I have enough, let's go back to the bowling game." If you believe it, I guess it does happen !!
* "okay, let's go see the alpacas - you can name them."
* "I want to invent Chocolate River Pie ... you know, when you cut into it, chocolate sauce runs out." Now that's a thought !!!
Anyway, it was a great evening because it was spent in the wonderful company of the Little Prince and his older brother who is also under his spell.
This weekend we are getting ready for a big BBQ party - I can't wait !! I have bought POUNDS of candy for a "Candy Bar' . The food lists are made, the fridge is full of loads of various meats, the propane tank is full, the biggest marshmallows I have ever seen are sitting in the pantry just waiting for TOASTING , the big glass drink dispenser is scrubbed and waiting for iced tea, the cooler is ready for ice & drinks, the games have been arranged, chairs set up, tables ready,baking lists prepared, grocery lists in hand, ... I CAN'T WAIT !!!! We are having appetizers (Trailer Park Boy Wieners , stuffed mushrooms, and mini quiches) , then powering up the BBQ for beer can chicken, sausages, burgers, and chili dogs. Then dessert - Whoopie Pies ( my current obsession), cheesecake, and "Better than Crack" Brownies. Then after we have stuffed ourselves, we will start the ladder ball & washer toss tourneys. And then, when we have played our hearts out, we will settle in for a bonfire, sparklers, s'mores, and a beautiful sunset. SIGH ... I am happy all over already !!
Oh yeah ! I also picked my very first fully ripe tomatoes !!! AWESOME !!!
Well, gotta run ... we are off for our Friday night dinner date ! Have a great weekend !!
We have KICKED ASS this week !!! Charlie & I built a new step & deck on our house. And, this time, I am actually not using the "Royal WE" ... it really was "we", honest !! I screwed down all the deck boards, stair treads, and spindles. I think I'll soon have my own show on HGTV ...haha!! It was really fun though ( power tools !!!) and I was really happy to be able to do more than pass things and hold the end of the measuring tape. AWESOME !!! ( oh yeah, and I didn't even hurt myself once !!)
MY HANDS, MY FEET, MY CARPENTRY WORK ... check out those safety shoes !!!
Then I suggested we beef up the top rail into a chunky shelf so now it can hold many things ... beers ( for that once very 2 years we drink them !!), gargoyles (now those we actually do have in abundance !!), and lovely flowers - just to name a few ... I LOOOOOOVE it !!!
Now we are on to clearing a path through the overgrown backyard so we can easily come & go from the Secret Garden ... I think this may be a scythe action thriller !!!dundudndundudn ...
We went to the EX on Monday so Charlie could present some trophies that he sponsors. Our young friend Brandon was waiting for us - he always helps Charlie present them each year and then we spend the evening together. Now this kid is highly entertaining. I could care less if I went to the Ex but I love his company !! I call him Little Prince because he somehow, with charm & grace, gets us to do his every bidding ... amazing talent !! And he just smiles this big "you know it's true" smile when I address him as such. Here are a few snippets of our conversations & activities ...
* after having several wrong handed attempts at shaking the trophy recipient's hand .."now that wasn't AWKWARD !!"
* "I am having such a cupcake craving" ... and so the hunt was on ... and we found one !!
* "Pam, can you help me build a website - I want to invent games & post some cartoons I drew."
* " You know that car Charlie was going to help me build (actually it was a BIKE !!)... well I think it should be an automatic so I just have to SAY "turn left" and it will."
* "This year, you know how we come to your house for Thanksgiving - its a tradition - well my parents can go home after we eat & I'll stay and Charlie can help me with the website. Then you can take me home."
* "I'm almost out of quarters. Let's go over to that game where you put the quarters on the colours so I can get some more." We went with me doubting very much that the Colour Game was much of a banking/investment opportunity. He filled his pockets with quarters , winning almost every time, and then announced "I have enough, let's go back to the bowling game." If you believe it, I guess it does happen !!
* "okay, let's go see the alpacas - you can name them."
* "I want to invent Chocolate River Pie ... you know, when you cut into it, chocolate sauce runs out." Now that's a thought !!!
Anyway, it was a great evening because it was spent in the wonderful company of the Little Prince and his older brother who is also under his spell.
This weekend we are getting ready for a big BBQ party - I can't wait !! I have bought POUNDS of candy for a "Candy Bar' . The food lists are made, the fridge is full of loads of various meats, the propane tank is full, the biggest marshmallows I have ever seen are sitting in the pantry just waiting for TOASTING , the big glass drink dispenser is scrubbed and waiting for iced tea, the cooler is ready for ice & drinks, the games have been arranged, chairs set up, tables ready,baking lists prepared, grocery lists in hand, ... I CAN'T WAIT !!!! We are having appetizers (Trailer Park Boy Wieners , stuffed mushrooms, and mini quiches) , then powering up the BBQ for beer can chicken, sausages, burgers, and chili dogs. Then dessert - Whoopie Pies ( my current obsession), cheesecake, and "Better than Crack" Brownies. Then after we have stuffed ourselves, we will start the ladder ball & washer toss tourneys. And then, when we have played our hearts out, we will settle in for a bonfire, sparklers, s'mores, and a beautiful sunset. SIGH ... I am happy all over already !!
Oh yeah ! I also picked my very first fully ripe tomatoes !!! AWESOME !!!
Well, gotta run ... we are off for our Friday night dinner date ! Have a great weekend !!
Friday, August 13, 2010
How SWEET it is !!
EDIT ... WOW !! I am the Queen of Blurry photos ...
LIFE, that is ! My, it has been a great ride the last few weeks ... everyday is a whole new fun adventure with more people to laugh with and enjoy.
We have been "crack-a-lackin" at renos & cleaning up the house ... and with that work comes great rewards. (Damn, I would have cleaned up sooner had I known !!) A new TALL upright gleaming white COLD freezer ... and I am in love with it !! No more falling in on my head for a pork chop !! It is like a giant door to cold food heaven ... open it, and TA DA !!! ... ice cream, Eggos, my ice cream maker, ice cubes ... (that's all so far) ... wonderful !!! And the ice cubes ... don't be thinking that they are little square cubes ... PERISH THE THOUGHT !! ... No Way !! ... puzzle pieces , skulls, and ... the best yet ... are you ready ? ... dentures !!! We are scheming how to make them pink & white so they will look like REAL TEETH in someone's drink !!! ( I am giggling in anticipation ... mature huh ?!!)
And what else ? Well, space, organization, somewhat cat-hairless floors, clean dishes, books & magazines neatly stacked or shelved, organized cupboards, folded laundry, nothing expired, .... can this really be our house ??? Today it is !!!

A new ring ... I love it ... sparkly and so pretty. I feel so GLAM !! Happy happy !
A visit from a DEAR DEAR friend. We visit every year and it's just like I might have seen her last week at the grocery store. We don't miss a beat. It is a friendship that has endured more than 20 years, marriages, big moves, gaps in communication, and thousands of miles between us. It is a friendship that is so special and so important. Yet ... low maintenance. We are simply happy to see one another & sit in one another's company. We had planned to meet for dinner but at the last minute, we decided to BBQ at our place ( hmmm ... maybe it was that clean house effect again ?!) so it was spontaneous & without planning ... I usually plan & try to "huge-up" everything so this was a change. I bought a few chickens on the way home, shoved their poor little bums on to beer cans, & threw them on the BBQ ... sorry chickens ! Made a pan of Trailer Park Boy Weiner Appetizers, a Caesar salad, and put the beers on ice to chill ... and then just waited for them to arrive. We grilled up some steaks & potatoes, loaded the *new* picnic table, and settled in ... eating, talking, laughing, just enjoying the moment. Then we loaded in the hearse, down to the beach, and then back to our secret garden for a bonfire and star gazing. And the heavens obliged ... falling stars were our reward. It was the most wonderful evening and I knew there was no where else I would rather have been.

Last night was our Friday Night Dinner Date with Charlie's brother & wife. We look forward to this all week ! It's great when family is family AND friends ! Tonight we are off to a bonfire & washer toss match. Next weekend we are hosting a family BBQ Bonanza ... yeah, I'm already trying to "huge-up" the event ... can't help it ... "go big or go home" is my motto !! ( Or, "damn Martha Stewart, I can do it too !!" ) And then we have a list of house reno things ...new door, new step, clearing out brush, clean closets, tick, tick, tick ... But it's all great and I am ready to tackle all this stuff ... the "after" is so worth the effort !!
On the Hester front ... ready for painting !!! So in the next few weeks she should get re-flamed and be already to go once again. YAY !!!
I think that's it ... I'll try to do something exciting so I can have a SUPER EXCITING POST next week ... but in the meantime I'll just keep living this sweet sweet life !!
See ya !
LIFE, that is ! My, it has been a great ride the last few weeks ... everyday is a whole new fun adventure with more people to laugh with and enjoy.
We have been "crack-a-lackin" at renos & cleaning up the house ... and with that work comes great rewards. (Damn, I would have cleaned up sooner had I known !!) A new TALL upright gleaming white COLD freezer ... and I am in love with it !! No more falling in on my head for a pork chop !! It is like a giant door to cold food heaven ... open it, and TA DA !!! ... ice cream, Eggos, my ice cream maker, ice cubes ... (that's all so far) ... wonderful !!! And the ice cubes ... don't be thinking that they are little square cubes ... PERISH THE THOUGHT !! ... No Way !! ... puzzle pieces , skulls, and ... the best yet ... are you ready ? ... dentures !!! We are scheming how to make them pink & white so they will look like REAL TEETH in someone's drink !!! ( I am giggling in anticipation ... mature huh ?!!)
And what else ? Well, space, organization, somewhat cat-hairless floors, clean dishes, books & magazines neatly stacked or shelved, organized cupboards, folded laundry, nothing expired, .... can this really be our house ??? Today it is !!!
A new ring ... I love it ... sparkly and so pretty. I feel so GLAM !! Happy happy !
A visit from a DEAR DEAR friend. We visit every year and it's just like I might have seen her last week at the grocery store. We don't miss a beat. It is a friendship that has endured more than 20 years, marriages, big moves, gaps in communication, and thousands of miles between us. It is a friendship that is so special and so important. Yet ... low maintenance. We are simply happy to see one another & sit in one another's company. We had planned to meet for dinner but at the last minute, we decided to BBQ at our place ( hmmm ... maybe it was that clean house effect again ?!) so it was spontaneous & without planning ... I usually plan & try to "huge-up" everything so this was a change. I bought a few chickens on the way home, shoved their poor little bums on to beer cans, & threw them on the BBQ ... sorry chickens ! Made a pan of Trailer Park Boy Weiner Appetizers, a Caesar salad, and put the beers on ice to chill ... and then just waited for them to arrive. We grilled up some steaks & potatoes, loaded the *new* picnic table, and settled in ... eating, talking, laughing, just enjoying the moment. Then we loaded in the hearse, down to the beach, and then back to our secret garden for a bonfire and star gazing. And the heavens obliged ... falling stars were our reward. It was the most wonderful evening and I knew there was no where else I would rather have been.
Last night was our Friday Night Dinner Date with Charlie's brother & wife. We look forward to this all week ! It's great when family is family AND friends ! Tonight we are off to a bonfire & washer toss match. Next weekend we are hosting a family BBQ Bonanza ... yeah, I'm already trying to "huge-up" the event ... can't help it ... "go big or go home" is my motto !! ( Or, "damn Martha Stewart, I can do it too !!" ) And then we have a list of house reno things ...new door, new step, clearing out brush, clean closets, tick, tick, tick ... But it's all great and I am ready to tackle all this stuff ... the "after" is so worth the effort !!
On the Hester front ... ready for painting !!! So in the next few weeks she should get re-flamed and be already to go once again. YAY !!!
I think that's it ... I'll try to do something exciting so I can have a SUPER EXCITING POST next week ... but in the meantime I'll just keep living this sweet sweet life !!
See ya !
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
What A WoNDerFuL Day/Week/Life !!
Oh what a great ride it's been !! This week has been amazing !
Dinner Friday night with family in our standing Friday Night Date ... laughed so hard I thought I might need medical attention ... or a bathroom !!! (you know how it is ...)
We got up early & went to the Port George Jamboree Yard Sale before work on Saturday morning. GREAT IDEA !!! Look what I found !!
I LOVE monkeys and S&Ps ... so perfect find !!! Look at their funny expressions ... not your AVERAGE monkey S&Ps !!!
I found this from the same man ... all there, no chips, wonderful. Not that chips usually stop me ... if I love it I don't care if there are chips. I figure we all get a little chipped by life and people still love us !

And then these little SPRITES !!! They just make you happy !!! Love them !!

After work we headed off to New Minas for a reason I can no longer remember ... it doesn't matter though because LOOK WHAT I FOUND !!!
I love it !! I put it right in my work room (in the last few remaining inches of space ...!!) and it is perfection !!!
Then Sunday we decided to have a family picnic supper before the guys went haying. I was making sandwiches & Whoopie Pies when the phone rang. Someone asked for me ... actually a VERY FAMILIAR voice asked for me ... OH MY GOD ... it was my dearest university friend that I haven't seen or talked with for 25 years !!! I plopped right down in a chair in shock & talked & talked & talked & talked ... and forgot all about the sandwiches I was making ... ( sorry guys if they were a bit dry ...). It was the most wonderful thing !!! I lost track of her after I graduated. The last time I saw her was at our wedding. A few years ago I saw her brother's obituary in the paper and an email for condolences. I sent a note to her but never heard back. Turns out the email link to me hadn't worked ! She had 411'ed me but no luck. So since she was in the province, she checked the phone books. I was thrilled !!! Afterwards, I realized that every story I have ever told about university includes Katherine. She was such a fun and fantastic friend ... I am so lucky to be back in touch with her !! HALLELUJAH !!!
Then I found a friend from high school that I so admired and always enjoyed on facebook. Reconnected there too !!! Wonderful again !!
And ... sweet friends come in threes ... my wonderful "half of my life" pal has arrived in Nova Scotia and we will soon have our annual visit. Super !!!
Hmmm ... what else ... weeded my amazing garden .. ready to pick lettuces & watercress, broccoli rabe is almost ready , and the eggplants have purple flowers on them. Rockin' the veg world !! WOOT WOOT !!
I started working on my Twelve Weeks of Christmas Kit Series for the store ... sat in my lovely room, with my lovely cats, glancing at my FAB new shelf and those sweet little sprites, sipping tea, and I CREATED my brains out. It was FABULOUS !!! Can't wait for next week.
I also drove this week ... shocking if you know me ...
We have also been at CAPS drywalling ... finished the ceiling in the main part and stood up a wall last night. Exciting !!! I say "we" but I usually just hold things, hand things, help lift things, and ask (too many) questions ... "Why?" "Why do you put that there ?" ... a girl's gotta learn !! BUT, last night I got to NAIL !!! Just once but I was PUMPED. I have to admit I took about 20 poundings to get it in but I let out a big old WAHOO and arm pumped after ... it was AWESOME !!!!
Anyway, the thunder is scaring the POOP out of me, So I have to go !!
Enjoy the week and ROCK WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING !!!
Dinner Friday night with family in our standing Friday Night Date ... laughed so hard I thought I might need medical attention ... or a bathroom !!! (you know how it is ...)
We got up early & went to the Port George Jamboree Yard Sale before work on Saturday morning. GREAT IDEA !!! Look what I found !!
I found this from the same man ... all there, no chips, wonderful. Not that chips usually stop me ... if I love it I don't care if there are chips. I figure we all get a little chipped by life and people still love us !
And then these little SPRITES !!! They just make you happy !!! Love them !!
After work we headed off to New Minas for a reason I can no longer remember ... it doesn't matter though because LOOK WHAT I FOUND !!!
Then Sunday we decided to have a family picnic supper before the guys went haying. I was making sandwiches & Whoopie Pies when the phone rang. Someone asked for me ... actually a VERY FAMILIAR voice asked for me ... OH MY GOD ... it was my dearest university friend that I haven't seen or talked with for 25 years !!! I plopped right down in a chair in shock & talked & talked & talked & talked ... and forgot all about the sandwiches I was making ... ( sorry guys if they were a bit dry ...). It was the most wonderful thing !!! I lost track of her after I graduated. The last time I saw her was at our wedding. A few years ago I saw her brother's obituary in the paper and an email for condolences. I sent a note to her but never heard back. Turns out the email link to me hadn't worked ! She had 411'ed me but no luck. So since she was in the province, she checked the phone books. I was thrilled !!! Afterwards, I realized that every story I have ever told about university includes Katherine. She was such a fun and fantastic friend ... I am so lucky to be back in touch with her !! HALLELUJAH !!!
Then I found a friend from high school that I so admired and always enjoyed on facebook. Reconnected there too !!! Wonderful again !!
And ... sweet friends come in threes ... my wonderful "half of my life" pal has arrived in Nova Scotia and we will soon have our annual visit. Super !!!
Hmmm ... what else ... weeded my amazing garden .. ready to pick lettuces & watercress, broccoli rabe is almost ready , and the eggplants have purple flowers on them. Rockin' the veg world !! WOOT WOOT !!
I started working on my Twelve Weeks of Christmas Kit Series for the store ... sat in my lovely room, with my lovely cats, glancing at my FAB new shelf and those sweet little sprites, sipping tea, and I CREATED my brains out. It was FABULOUS !!! Can't wait for next week.
I also drove this week ... shocking if you know me ...
We have also been at CAPS drywalling ... finished the ceiling in the main part and stood up a wall last night. Exciting !!! I say "we" but I usually just hold things, hand things, help lift things, and ask (too many) questions ... "Why?" "Why do you put that there ?" ... a girl's gotta learn !! BUT, last night I got to NAIL !!! Just once but I was PUMPED. I have to admit I took about 20 poundings to get it in but I let out a big old WAHOO and arm pumped after ... it was AWESOME !!!!
Anyway, the thunder is scaring the POOP out of me, So I have to go !!
Enjoy the week and ROCK WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING !!!
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