We have KICKED ASS this week !!! Charlie & I built a new step & deck on our house. And, this time, I am actually not using the "Royal WE" ... it really was "we", honest !! I screwed down all the deck boards, stair treads, and spindles. I think I'll soon have my own show on HGTV ...haha!! It was really fun though ( power tools !!!) and I was really happy to be able to do more than pass things and hold the end of the measuring tape. AWESOME !!! ( oh yeah, and I didn't even hurt myself once !!)
MY HANDS, MY FEET, MY CARPENTRY WORK ... check out those safety shoes !!!
Then I suggested we beef up the top rail into a chunky shelf so now it can hold many things ... beers ( for that once very 2 years we drink them !!), gargoyles (now those we actually do have in abundance !!), and lovely flowers - just to name a few ... I LOOOOOOVE it !!!
Now we are on to clearing a path through the overgrown backyard so we can easily come & go from the Secret Garden ... I think this may be a scythe action thriller !!!dundudndundudn ...
We went to the EX on Monday so Charlie could present some trophies that he sponsors. Our young friend Brandon was waiting for us - he always helps Charlie present them each year and then we spend the evening together. Now this kid is highly entertaining. I could care less if I went to the Ex but I love his company !! I call him Little Prince because he somehow, with charm & grace, gets us to do his every bidding ... amazing talent !! And he just smiles this big "you know it's true" smile when I address him as such. Here are a few snippets of our conversations & activities ...
* after having several wrong handed attempts at shaking the trophy recipient's hand .."now that wasn't AWKWARD !!"
* "I am having such a cupcake craving" ... and so the hunt was on ... and we found one !!
* "Pam, can you help me build a website - I want to invent games & post some cartoons I drew."
* " You know that car Charlie was going to help me build (actually it was a BIKE !!)... well I think it should be an automatic so I just have to SAY "turn left" and it will."
* "This year, you know how we come to your house for Thanksgiving - its a tradition - well my parents can go home after we eat & I'll stay and Charlie can help me with the website. Then you can take me home."
* "I'm almost out of quarters. Let's go over to that game where you put the quarters on the colours so I can get some more." We went with me doubting very much that the Colour Game was much of a banking/investment opportunity. He filled his pockets with quarters , winning almost every time, and then announced "I have enough, let's go back to the bowling game." If you believe it, I guess it does happen !!
* "okay, let's go see the alpacas - you can name them."
* "I want to invent Chocolate River Pie ... you know, when you cut into it, chocolate sauce runs out." Now that's a thought !!!
Anyway, it was a great evening because it was spent in the wonderful company of the Little Prince and his older brother who is also under his spell.
This weekend we are getting ready for a big BBQ party - I can't wait !! I have bought POUNDS of candy for a "Candy Bar' . The food lists are made, the fridge is full of loads of various meats, the propane tank is full, the biggest marshmallows I have ever seen are sitting in the pantry just waiting for TOASTING , the big glass drink dispenser is scrubbed and waiting for iced tea, the cooler is ready for ice & drinks, the games have been arranged, chairs set up, tables ready,baking lists prepared, grocery lists in hand, ... I CAN'T WAIT !!!! We are having appetizers (Trailer Park Boy Wieners , stuffed mushrooms, and mini quiches) , then powering up the BBQ for beer can chicken, sausages, burgers, and chili dogs. Then dessert - Whoopie Pies ( my current obsession), cheesecake, and "Better than Crack" Brownies. Then after we have stuffed ourselves, we will start the ladder ball & washer toss tourneys. And then, when we have played our hearts out, we will settle in for a bonfire, sparklers, s'mores, and a beautiful sunset. SIGH ... I am happy all over already !!
Oh yeah ! I also picked my very first fully ripe tomatoes !!! AWESOME !!!
Well, gotta run ... we are off for our Friday night dinner date ! Have a great weekend !!
Love that you love us! ;O) Finally (just now) read your blog...couldn't get onto the site the other day...and forgot about it again until now! Thinking of you this morning because of the storm! Be safe! xo
So sorry to have missed your party,Pam & Charles ! Must have been a blast ! You guys are the greatest !
oh anonymous ... I love love love you ... who are you ??
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