It had been a very busy week with lots of bus-i-ness at work and home so we were ready for a lovely weekend ... and that is just what we had !!
We went to the Pumpkin Regatta and Parade on Sunday. That is sooo fun. Windsor does an amazing job, lots of street booths and activity. The parade of pumpkins was great and the race was , as always, exciting and funny. We strolled the waterfront, ate fries and hot dogs, sampled the chili for the chili cook-off, bought cookies, and then cheered on the LOCAL paddler, Will Neily, who won !!! He has a greenhouse business in Paradise & always grew HUGE pumpkins as a kid.This time he paddled one of his home-grown creations right into first place !!
(Will at the finish line - too pooped to stand !!)
Here is one of the pumpkins ... they go to such lengths to decorate them - too bad they all become compost at the end !! ( ... if not FOOD FOR THE FISHES !!!!)
Here is the cookie booth that we visit every year...
... the cookies are really good but I really don't care... it's her fabulous decorations that I can't resist !! This year Charlie had the spider web & I went for the pirate. Her cookies are beautiful, her packaging lovely, and her booth just perfectly pretty. I look forward to seeing it every year. My only regret with her cookies is that Martha Stewart didn't get there to see them a few years ago ... I'm sure she would have been a guest on the show !! Check her out !!
We had lots of great comments about the car. Scott Brison even wanted to buy it !! We promised we would let him know if we ever decided to sell !!
On the way home we stopped for a few errands and gelato. Gelato Girl encouraged us to come up Tuesday for the final day ... so we are off tonight after work ! She shared her love of crystal jewelry so her tip this time will be a pair of crystal earrings ( which I better get made !! ) instead of the change from our bill . Should be a fun after work tour.
Gelato Girl put her earrings on right away !! That was nice !!
Monday was a great day ... kitten watching, driving around !, crafting like crazy, visiting, turkey dinner at my parents, looking at old slides, more kitten watching ... Does it get any better ??
I also worked on some Hallowe'en treat bags and a kit for the bags to sell at the store and in my ETSY store !!
Visit either spot to find out about them. The links are in the sidebar.
AND you can also see how the 31 day challenge is going on the store blog. I think I'm doing okay !
So tonight we are off to have our last gelato for the season, deliver the earrings, do a few errands, get some welding supplies, and then home to watch the FLURRIES that are forecast. I know it's early, but OH MY I feel that excited burble in my stomach that says FIRST SNOW !!! WAAAAAHOOOOOOOOO !!!
Have a great day !!
Flurries! Bite your tongue Pam, it was bad enough getting hail the other day.
Oh Pam,
I can't thank you enough for the giggles on Thursdays. They were exactly what I needed. Thank you for accepting me for who I am, warts and all.It's so very nice to feel welcomed and valued. I will not forget how you did not judge me, but took me in, under your wing to make your own decision about me.You are a special and rare person who makes her own decisions.
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