Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Yep, REALLY up to my ...

Well ... I haven't blogged for a few days because LIFE was in the way !!! My, it's been a week . I can really only give it a 5 out of 10. That's low for me.
On the PLUS side, we did get the garden planted and added a book shelf to the kitchen. I did enjoy a piece of my niece's FAB cake . I saw people I love and enjoyed that. I watched my Queen. I snuggled cats. I spent time with Charlie. All PLUSES.
BUT we did get our car ( our beloved Hester car) smashed up to the point that it is pretty bad , had the skull that we loved explode into a million pieces, get mixed up for a birthday party only to arrive at the end instead of the beginning, spent the last few days in insurance matters and giving police statements , watched the horrific riots in the city I love, and my chest is green and yellow from bruising ... and the bruises are only starting. SO the week LACKED a bit ...
BUT ... again ... that's all over and we are facing a DAY OFF and it is CANADA DAY ... one of the best days ... so , I think I am feeling a definite improvement in the future !!


Merrilee said...

Oh Pam, I'm so sorry to hear about Hester! I hope you and Charlie had nothing more serious than bruises!

Merrilee said...

Oops, I hate it when my 1st post doesn't show up and I repost thinking it got lost in cyberspace only to have both posts come up. LOL

pam said...

We're fine !! No more sore spots and the lovely green & yellow is disappearing !! Now to get the car fixed !!

... a few of my favourite things ...