Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Let'S rOll !!!!!

WOW !!! I have been involved in so many things lately ... running like a hamster in a big wheel ... flip flip flip .... no further ahead but running running running. BUT ... the wheel has stopped ! My commitments are finished , the blisters are here to prove it, but the jobs have been done & all is well. SO now ... LET'S ROLL !!! I am excited to get back to a whole mother lode list of
*******THINGS I WOULD LOVE TO DO !!!*****
SO as of today ... okay maybe tomorrow actually ... the rollin' begins !! Tonight I will be off to the epicerie ... sounds so sweet in French, n'est ce pas ? Actually it is the grocery store ( see ? not quite as charming ...) to load up the larder with all things healthy. Step one. Then I will wash all the dishes that seem to have come to roost in the sink in the last few days, sweep the lovely cat hair carpet up off the floor, do a s**t load of laundry, clean the BBQ, and just whatever. Then I am starting my projects ... I have so many in my head !!! I want to make a million things starting with a collage tribute to my grandmother. Then I have 999,999 other paper projects to do. (I also made a little deal with myself that I will craft something - be it large or small- every day for 30 days and then I will feel "entitled" to buy myself a Dremel drill and drill press. Who bribes THEMSELVES ??? And , hmmm, did I lie to myself ... did I really mean to keep my part of the deal ..... ???? Am I just going to go buy it in 30 days ... or 5 days ????) And I want a FAB garden ... yellow zucchini, baby eggplants, hot peppers, spinach, crazy greens, heritage tomatoes, herbs, easter egg radishes ... can't wait !!! And I will buy flowers ... I always do ... even though I don't mean to, and then I buy so many that I need to get more planters , and so on and so on ... I want to have friends come over for a BBQ and I want to take friends to lunch, I want to laugh & play, I want to yard sale & haunt flea markets, I want to start planning a beach fire night ... oh I AM EXCITED !!! The ROLLIN' is on BABY !!!!

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... a few of my favourite things ...